How to get your music on indipendent spotify playlist? part 2

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Rosario Puleo


3rd April 2021


How to get your music on indipendent spotify playlist? part 2

In the previous guide, we have seen some methods to find new playlists, let’s see in detail now…

How can I auto-promote on Spotify?

  1. “Followers” doesn’t mean “Plays”:
    Let me explain, if a playlist has 50,000 followers it doesn’t mean that is a good playlist (even if is a lot useful to stimulate the algorithm). So imagine your track in 100 different playlists, 500 followers each, in this case you will be place always in 50,000 followers of reach but you will expand your music to different people.
    As we know there’re a lot of playlists with inactive/fake followers, however we can’t consider the reliability of those playlists but we can select good playlists in this way: let’s open Spotify, then go on an artist profile and check the “ABOUT” section and give a look to “Discovered On”, we will find the 5 most active playlists where his tracks are, that is a good, if not the best “trick” to find new active playlists quickly.
    My advice is to not search big artists because we will just encounter Spotify editorial playlists.
  1. Create a playlist:Quick and easy! Create your playlist(s) and promote them, if you will create a good playlist your listeners will have an idea of the music you like BUT at same time they will be involved more on your music too.
    Don’t forget what we have said in the previous guide... OUR TRACK MUST TO BE ON TOP SPOTS!!
  2. Use online tool to reach new playlists:
    There’re a lot of promotion agency who offer placements in playlists, and in the most of cases are really expansive, today I want to tell you about similar service like, these are platforms who allow you to send your tracks to hundreds and hundreds of curators, they guarantee a feedback and/or a placement in few days.
  3. Use your social:
    I’m not talking about posts with your music but to think some strategy to promote your music on Spotify by use of social.
  4. Search curator’s groups on social networks:
    Socials are one of the most important things that we have at moment, try to connect your Spotify account to Facebook and see if you friends have some playlists, if yes contact them.
    Facebook Groups are also important, search some good fit groups to find new curators.
    NB: they are contacted every day at any time, contact them with a personal approach, talk with them about their tastes, find a point of touch before to send them your music.

    In additional to Facebook Groups, try with Reddit.
  5. Focus to Spotify algorithmic playlists:
    Besides your “Discover weekly” which is a weekly playlist of songs that Spotify recommends you, there’s also the “Release Radar” that is a playlist of mixed songs between music you listen and new music of artists that you listen or follow. As time passes these two playlists will improve too.
    However, Spotify algorithmic playlists are the most important, they will reach a big number of listeners with a speed that independent playlists can’t, nobody can guarantee that your track could be added in algorithmic playlists obviously but there is some good tricks:
    -       Focus on quantity of playlists and not on followers (point 1)
    -       Date of impact, is the date when the track is added to playlists, be sure to organize placements in a single day

It’s the end guys!! I hope this second part will help you to grow your music, for any info/help you can contact me directly to:  

We’re already writing some new tips for you so don’t forget to give a look to our socials. OH AND YEAH, HAPPY EASTER FAM!! 🐣


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